What's Happening — NorthStar Legal, Inc.
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What's Happening

calendar of EVENTS

CFPA-Central Florida Paralegal Association's  'Snowy Enchanted Wonderland' Holiday Party
5:30 PM17:30

CFPA-Central Florida Paralegal Association's 'Snowy Enchanted Wonderland' Holiday Party

Please join us as we co-host Central Florida Paralegal Association, Inc. "CFPA"​s Annual Holiday Party.

It's at a new location, and we are excited!!

This year's theme is "Snowy Enchanted Wonderland". There will be food, drinks, music and of course RAFFLES!!

Bring a friend, there's no better party in town! We look forward to celebrating with you all and raising funds for our charity - Brit's Bunch.

Register here: https://lnkd.in/e_ZFcdaN

Great Southern Box Company

2105 N. Orange Blossom Trail

Orlando, FL 32804

NorthStar Legal, Inc -Jennifer Magnusson, Milestone | Reporting Company, Accurate Serve Orlando, U.S. Legal Support, Universal Court Reporting, Legal Realtime Reporting, VIDEO VERIFICATION LLC

#paralegallife #paralegalsrock #annualbash #cfpainc #party #prizes #fun #holidayparty #newlocation #greatsountherboxcompany

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OCBA-Paralegal Section Holiday Party and Toy Drive!
5:30 PM17:30

OCBA-Paralegal Section Holiday Party and Toy Drive!

Please join us this Wednesday Night, December 4th, as we co-host the @OCBA-Orange County Bar Association-Paralegal Section's Annual Holiday Party & Toy Drive!!! Raffles, goodies, and more!
Proceeds will be benefiting E.S.T.H.E.R. (Single Mother's Outreach)
RSVP to: orangecountyparalegalsection@gmail.com
The Imperial Wine Bar
1800 North Orange Ave., Orlando, FL
Wednesday, December 4th, at 5:30 pm!
NorthStar Legal, Inc -Jennifer Magnusson, Milestone | Reporting Company, Professional Litigation Support, Ontellus, Maynard Nexsen, & Moye, O'Brien, Pickert, Dillon & Masterson, LLP

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CFPA Mid-Year Mixer!
5:30 PM17:30

CFPA Mid-Year Mixer!

Central Florida Paralegal Association, Inc. "CFPA"​, NorthStar Legal, Inc., Milestone | Reporting Company, VIDEO VERIFICATION LLC, and Ontellus, invite you to our Paralegal Half-Year Mixer on Thursday, 7/25/2024, at Primrose Lanes.

All are welcome to attend.

Please bring a friend and join us!

Membership is officially half-price!!!

NEXT THURSDAY-only 5 days to go!

RSVP to publicrelations@cfpainc.org or on their website at


CFPAInc CFPAMixer #CFPAMidYearMixer g#paralegallife #paralegalsrock #mixer #CFPAmembers #legalsupport #network #food #drinks #raffles hashtag#midyear #RSVP #primroselanes #halfoffmemberdues #northstarlegalinc #nslinc #legalrecruiting #legalnetworking #chill #bowling #bowling g#legalassociations #charities #ParalegalMixer #CentralFloridaParalegals

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OCBA Administrative Professionals' Day Happy Hour
9:30 PM21:30

OCBA Administrative Professionals' Day Happy Hour

Join us again this year on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 5:30 pm as we celebrate Administrative Professionals' Day at The Acre on Edgewater!

NorthStar Legal, Inc.

S.K.I. Investigations, Inc.

Orange County Bar Association

@U.S. Legal Support

@Huseby Global Litigation

@Milestone Reporting Company

#OCBA #administrativeprofessionalsday #NSL #northstarlegalinc #SKIInvestigations #Milestone #celebratelegal

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6:00 PM18:00


Please join your fellow paralegals for CFPA Bingo after work on Thursday, March 14, at 6 pm at Brennan Manna & Diamond Law Firm located at 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 700, Orlando, 32801, for food, fun, prizes, and an hour of unprecedented Bingo-Mania!!!! Celebrity Bingo Caller Kurt Magnusson Weaver will be announcing the numbers!!!! The event is free for all members. You may bring a guest(s) for a $5.00 donation. All donations go to charity. (Parking available in the garage)
Come on out and enjoy some fun!
Please RSVP today at membership@cfpainc.org

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Paralegals' Day 2023
9:30 AM09:30

Paralegals' Day 2023


Whether you call yourself a paralegal or a legal assistant, the work is basically the same — to be an essential part of an attorney’s administrative team.  As the need for attorneys continues to grow, skilled paralegals are increasingly in demand. If you’re currently working in the profession or considering working as a paralegal in the future, National Paralegal Day has abundant information to get you up to speed on what the job entails and what kinds of certifications (if any)  are required. 

As far back as the early 1970s, interest was stirred about the need for an organized group of paralegals and legal assistants.  This challenging job involves preparing and copying boatloads of legal documents like wills, real estate closings, affidavits and more, assisting attorneys with cases and trial prep and working with clients. But in the 70s, there was a general feeling among the workers that despite their expertise, attorneys didn’t always respect that work. 

In 1973, the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) produced a series of seminars and workshops for people who helped lawyers in law offices. Eventually,  the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA) brought in about 15 other member organizations, established a code of ethics for paralegals and created a task force on credentialing criteria. Today the NFPA is comprised of 50 member organizations and 9000 individual members. 

Although it’s difficult to find an American source for National Paralegal Day, you can get a specific card from Hallmark. Bottom line, the next time you find yourself in a law office, smile nicely to the worker bees who make it all happen, the certified paralegals.

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to Aug 31


  • NorthStar Legal, Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

    As our state braces for the arrival of Idalia, I want to remind you to please prepare your own plans of action and be proactive in getting the necessary supplies you and your family will need.

PLEASE do not wait until the last moment to get water, batteries, and other critical food supplies.

Please remember to take care of yourselves and your own right now. For this reason, our offices will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30th, 2023. 

Thursday, the 31st is still yet to be determined, hopefully we will be open and back to normal work hours. 

While you can rely on Google to find some reliable resources for hurricane preparedness, here are a few links you can use: 

It is during times like this that our spirit shows what we are made of—and we are united in both good experiences and in the not-so-good as well. We are open today, however like most of you, we will be spending the last portion preparing and cleaning the offices, just in case.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding, and please stay safe!

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CFPA Virtual Lunch Bingo hosted by NORTHSTAR LEGAL, INC.
11:30 AM11:30

CFPA Virtual Lunch Bingo hosted by NORTHSTAR LEGAL, INC.

Remember to RSVP for another fun and LUCRATIVE LUNCH BINGO hosted by NorthStar Legal, Inc. !!!! WooHoo! See you Friday, 7/28/23 at lunch!

Membership@cfpainc.org to RSVP


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Cancelled: CFPA (In-Person) Bingo!
6:15 PM18:15

Cancelled: CFPA (In-Person) Bingo!

NorthStar Legal, Inc. has the pleasure of co-sponsoring the Central Florida Paralegal Association, “CFPA” Bingo. The cost to attend is $5.00 and all money collected will go to The Russell Home for Atypical Children in Orlando!

Please RSVP by 12:00PM on October 4, 2022 to Membership@cfpainc.org!

Join us for fun and prizes!

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CFPA In-Person Evening Bingo
6:30 PM18:30

CFPA In-Person Evening Bingo

NorthStar Legal, Inc. is once again sponsoring the Central Florida Paralegal Association, "CFPA" In-Person Evening Bingo! The cost to attend this event is $5.00 and all money collected will go to The Russell Home for Atypical Children in Orlando! Join in on the FUN & WIN PRIZES!

RSVP by August 24th, 2022 by emailing Memberships@cfpainc.org

Please remember to specify the BINGO date in the Subject Line, thanks and see you there!!

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CFPA FREE Virtual Bingo
6:30 PM18:30

CFPA FREE Virtual Bingo

NorthStar Legal, Inc. is once again sponsoring the Central Florida Paralegal Association, "CFPA" Virtual Evening Bingo! This event is FREE to CFPA Members and Non-Members! Join in on the FUN & WIN PRIZES!

A surprise gift for all those who attend!

RSVP by July 19th, 2022 by emailing Memberships@cfpainc.org

Please remember to specify the BINGO date in the Subject Line, thanks and see you there!!

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CFPA FREE Virtual Bingo!
12:00 PM12:00

CFPA FREE Virtual Bingo!

NorthStar Legal, Inc. is once again sponsoring the Central Florida Paralegal Association, "CFPA" Virtual Evening Bingo! This event is FREE to CFPA Members and Non-Members! Join in on the FUN & WIN PRIZES!

A surprise gift for all those who attend!

RSVP by May 16th, 2022 by emailing Memberships@cfpainc.org

Please remember to specify the BINGO date in the Subject Line, thanks and see you there!!

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